The Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Reasons
The legalization of marijuana for medical reasons has been widely debated for sometime now. There are pros and cons on each side of the debate, but the pros grossly out-weigh the cons. The legalization of marijuana for medical reasons can help us to progress in the world, help people in serious pain because of severe diseases and has already begun to be legalized in other states for medical purposes.
There are fifteen states in the U.S. that have already legalized marijuana for medical reasons. Of course there are fees, possession limits and you must have an official ID card from a hospital stating you met the requirements and that your disease is severe enough for this. They take the necessary precautions to make sure nothing goes wrong, and that the right people get what they need. It’s a process that’s already up and running in other states, and is working to help patients who really need it. One disease that becomes less painful with the use of marijuana is leukemia, cancer. Going through chemotherapy for this disease is a long crude and torturous process. Marijuana not only helps with the pain of this process, but helps them to keep and appetite, keep food down and keep them healthy.
Marijuana helps to relieve pain in diseases such as various types of cancer, severe arthritis, PKD and many more. This would be a great way to help patients who need it, with an all organic, non-risky solution. The fact that it has already begun in fifteen other states show that it is working, its helping sickly people deal with their physical pain for there irreversible diseases. The opposition to this situation is recognized as well, and is proven small. Some people have claimed marijuana to be a “gate way drug”, and was ever referred to as “ the most addictive drug” in the nineties. Most of the world now sees that while marijuana is still an illegal drug, it is the least worrisome of all drugs. A person is more likely to become more addicted to alcohol, a legal mind numbing substance, than the all natural illegal substance marijuana.
If the world could now open its eyes and see that the legalization of marijuana for medical reasons is not only safe but also an extremely logical solution to pain from diseases. To with hold marijuana from people with heinous diseases is to let people go through constant pain, malnutrition and sometimes even death. The human society has protested many “problems” like the freeing of slaves for example, women rights or even gay marriage. We as a nation progress and its possible we can progress through this too, we must get past this obstacle.
Legalizing marijuana for medical reasons would be a big controversial step, but it is one that is needed. The world has gone through and survived worse than this small bump on a mountain of trouble. This is a chance to help our fellow people with their permanent every day