Tuesday, October 19, 2010



Being human, we develop feelings that sometimes we can’t even understand. If our feeling could be put in physical terms, it would most likely seem like a quilted blanket that went on for eternity, each thread a specific feeling. Sometimes these emotions end up tangled within us, and try as we might we end up misinterpreting them most of the time. Though, to narrow it down, one of the most confusing emotions many come across, young and old, is Love and Infatuation.

Love, it comes in many forms that were all familiar with. That park you love so much, the way you love how fresh mowed grass smells, the love you’ll always have for that high school sweet heart. Every one has encountered it at some point in life or will, it is an unavoidable freight train of confusion, happiness and sometimes pain. Love is something that not only confuses itself, but usually ends up confusing every other feeling you have. Many people say “follow your heart” or “the heart wants what the heart wants”, but these two easily thrown clichés can be completely misleading. Though following your heart for the sake of true love and a happy ending seems like a delicious thought, the feeling may not be true. In your heart lies wants, things you yearn for, like love, a common human desire confused by over given attention. The longing for love can cloud your mind, your wants leak into the reality of what is, mucking up the true scenario of what is usually happening, infatuation.

Infatuation is a timeless classic, its in every true love fairy tail, underlining every word. Infatuation is a feeling that can often be confused, when in fact it’s the want for physical touch, sexual contact, and mistaken for love because of loneliness, rules, fads and more. A perfect example of this is the lovely Romeo&Juliet, two teenagers who die for love, though when you really look into it they die for sex, for breaking the rules for once. Romeo and Juliet are both forbidden to see each other, their families hate one and other, this is when fueled their infatuation and makes it dangerous and luring. Though it all really began ion the most basic animalistic way, they see each other and find each other physically attractive. The infatuation between these two completely blind sides them, leading them to think they are in love and ultimately to their deaths.

Infatuation and love always come hand in hand, one can lead to the other. Love is a feeling to be wary of, though when you find it, it’s amazing. Infatuation is a very dangerous and enduring feeling; though it can be delectable it comes masked in trouble.


1 comment:

  1. They are in best case scenarios one in the same. For if love and infatuation (Limerence) are separate then it can hardly be considered an active love. Limerence exists from a biological stand point to help humans reproduce with each other a savage attraction to the opposite sex is crucial in a ever complex society. It is this emotion that leads into love and love from a biological stand point exists to keep both parties around to raise the child that was a result of limerence. It is a log lasting emotion that can be considered by many people to be one of the highlights of the human experience. But love is only half felt if not for limerance. For it is a fleeting emotion that will die if said savage attraction fades completely. Everything in the world has it's purpose if you don't care to rip the clothes from you're lover at the age of 80 then your love has diminished and could be thought of as not a strong by some.

    way I see it thought different it's two sides of the same coin.
